Monday, September 24, 2007

Why You Suckas Got to Do What is Right

I am telling you now and how. What you need to do is sign up for your league. The draft has been set for 10/17 at 8:30 PM Eastern Standard. If there are any problems, this early date can be pushed back. The Season starts on 10/30. Let me say it now, so you'all can be sure you seez it with yours own eyes; What is right is as follows:

Serious Playas have been effect since the '02-'03 season. We have had some years without the Razor Sharp Shaman, and some years without the Gild Wisdom of the Dah Dock Surratt. But here comes the facts, so put on your spectacles and gaze:


We can experiment with, but for Nature's sake, Sign up for the cbs league. THE PASSWORD IS: presidio.

Do what is right. Do not be a fool. Time has no kindness for being a fool.
Da Kloos is with you all. Now, get with what he sez.

His Realness,
The Khwan

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Calling all playas!

With October fast approaching, time to sound the drums and call the band of bros to arms.

shaman, Cruel Bastion, Nicky, Demott, and myself have signed up. that's five.

Then we've got some AWOL cats.

The Kloos needs to sign up, in whatever incarnation, as well the good Dr. Surratt and the trusty, stoutly-named Concord Lynch. That would be eight. I've emailed the Kloos but I've misplaced the emails to Surratt and Lynch. We need to be in touch with them pronto.

So, what about Reed "Green Wave" Edwards, Bad DNA, and Mike "Showtime" McCoy? That would bring us to eleven.

Those of you sitting on emails for these fellows, give them a heads up! Direct them to the blog or to shaman, or send them an invite directly.

If any of these guys is going to sit the season out for whatever reason, which I hope is not the case, we should know ASAP so that we can enlist a knowledgable fellow to take a slot.

Let's get these guys in the league sooner the better.


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Weekly Lineup Rules!

Inevitably a daily transaction league favors those who can devote the most attention to it and thus does not accurately reflect a hierarchy of acumen that I think the Serious Playas has always been about. "Who is the most serious playa?" as distinct from "Who is the most active player?" Clearly, active players can better navigate the NBA winds of PT and injuries, but who must they ditch in order to play the hot hand. For myself, I always think I'm overly active as a manager and consciously try to curb my transactions each year, but each year I always drop someone I should have kept or fail to pickup someone I should have dropped someone for. And this propensity will only be magnified by a league that allows daily transactions. I always like to believe that a cool and steady handed manager (The Cruelest comes to mind as someone who truly sticks with his drafted guns for better or for worse) always has a chance to do well in this league while i think in a daily transactions league, shaman most likely will school us all or that, in a vain attempt to keep up with him, each of us becomes so involved with daily NBA flutterings that girlfriends start getting jealous, dishes pile up in the sink, sleep is lost, etc. I mean you don't want LeBron to chew his fingernails down to the nub and you lose him for 3 weeks.

So, i vote "yea" for weekly lineups. And damn that Sportsline default Verdana font just looks so damn good.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Uh Oh

Draft order will be determined by the order we sign-up??? Not sure how the folks are gonna feel about that, shaman. Daily transactions? I'd like to hear what the word is there. I know guys like Kloos piss and moan ad infinitum when they se-up their line-ups nd then someone gets hurt, but christ, the season is long, and lord knows that half of the owners are not going to be assiduous about tweaking their line-ups every single day, or well enough in advance that they don't even think about complications from when they drop a player and stuff. agh. weekly ersus daily transactions. you got guys like cruel bastion and Doc Surratt, the one flies business trips and the other treats the infirm. How are they gonna stay on top of daily transactions? I'm starting to feel the stress about moving way from the cozy familiarity of Sportsline. I can't even change my owner handle, or leave the league and re-sign up! hm.

Hey, Ladies!!!!

What's happening, fellows? This NBA offseason has been as crazy as ever, what with the Celtics poised to return to some measure of glory, the referee score-fixing scandal, Stephon Marbury going on about how he happily screws MSG interns in his SUV, and Greg Oden being introduced to us and then unceremoniously shelved for the season after microfracture surgery. Sigh. As one close friend of mine recently put it, it's as though Eddie Griffin's tragic passing in an August car accident was somehow allegorical. A crazy offseason indeed, which only promises further craziness once the season gets under way.

Our man Shane "shaman" Moore has taken the initiative to set something up at's fantasy station:

The game is called NBA Ultimate Fantasy Commissioner, and I have to admit that on the face of things it looks like it kicks ass. It's apparently "fully customizable" and free. I wonder if shaman has taken any liberties with the customization.... and if not, whether he should. Here's some of the features they indicate on the site:

FREE Keeper Leagues (Private only)
Rotisserie, Points-Based or Head-to-Head
Free Live Scoring
Five draft types, including Live and E-mail
Fully customizable rosters and scoring
Co-Owner option
Six waiver types, including Auction

"Auction"?? I even read someplace that we can even trade picks? That sounds far out. I wanna hear it from the mouth of shaman, whom I hope will soon be posting here, along with all y'all.

Bottom line: let's bring it in and discuss, fellas. And once we've determined everything is in order.... well, we all know it helps to have everyone signed up well in advance of the draft, right?

Shaman has set the following up, FYI:

League Name: Serious Playas at
League Password: presidio

You can sign in here:

Hey, shaman, any word on the featrures? Is there anything to discuss, or have you already set-up the league for maximum mayhem?!?!?!

One love,

P.S. I'm gonna have to change my handle this year, mix it up a bit. Don't be concerned if you don't see the Concatenation signed up for the league, I'll be aboard 100%.