Monday, September 22, 2008

30 days

Get on board playas for the 7th season of competition. The 7th Serious Playas league is formed at Sportsline for 2008-2009. If you did not recieve an invite from me, please check your email OR let me know (shaman at shanemoore dot net). The live draft is set for October 10/22/08, 10:00 PM ET.

Steve, Justin, Phil and I are already signed up... join in before we have to start scrambling for playas. Kloos? Miguel? Nicky? Dan? Reed? McCoy? Doc? Ryan? That'd make 12. Get signed up NOW!



Anonymous said...

on our way. just getting into focus. thanks for taking the lead, shaman. we'll be in touch.

Unknown said...

yo, shaman-- so what about reed "green wave" edwards and mike "show time" mccoy? are they in the mix? if so, that would make a full league. i know two fellows whom i think would be competitive additions, but i do not want to cut reed and mike out if they are game for another season. i may look through my records to see if i can contact them, but let me know if you've already heard....

shaman said...

good to hear from ya'll... where is kloos?... mike and reed have been informed... post back... the draft draweth closer hence haste must quicken soon asap...

Anonymous said...

where be the one they call mccoy? this is the question. reed and everyone else is aboard the ship. mike still has a bit of time, but it would be easier on the nerves to have the whole group accounted for. MIKE, if you're out there, reading this, drop a line at and we'll go from there.