God bless "The 5th Iteration of this Serious Playas league"
This is it fellas, the fifth anniversary of da Playas. If only Bronson Bridges were here to celebrate. He'd punch us in the stomach. How about a moment of silence for the fallen playas... that Dutch guy from season one, Presidio the Genius, B Devils!, that really angry guy from two years ago who loved Eddy Curry.
And you serious playas who've been here from the start;
Dah Cruelist Son of Isaac, Steve "the feeling machine" Isaacson
Shamanic pride "the photographic eye" Shane give me some Moore
Doc Surratt and Devildogs, one love!
Justin "the question mark" Demott bringing the noise from the Northeast
Nicky "the biscuit eatin' Italian Polock" "gravel laying" Kravalino
Miguel "don't call him Antonia" Antonia and the fruit basket nation
You all deserve a one big hug from the man upstairs! Keep it real like a continental breakfast.
I am happy the keeper league fell apart, I was not feeling it. "The 5th Iteration of this Serious Playas league" is the place to be! Get ready, Get set....
The one they call Kloos is bringing it at you like a Prussian grandpa, stand up straight soldier.... 06 06 06 06 06!!!!!!!
Let's go!