Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The New League (with 2 Ts)

The 5th Itteration of the Serious Playas league moves on despite the bumbling technology of CBS Sportsline's draft room on Monday night.

Well, we are set for Thursday night - same time as Monday, 10PM EST. Sorry for the BS the other night. I only hope that it will be better this time. If you didn't get an invite, please let me know.

On another note... download Opera. It seemed to work much better than Internet Explorer for me and Steve. Also, prerank, prerank, prerank.

I will let you guys know what I hear from Spootsline.


Monday, October 30, 2006

What 'Kloos' Thinks about The Draft, 2006




Friday, October 27, 2006

NOW it is ON... Seriously

The league is on... Serious Playas 2007: The 5th Iteration... We've got 12 owners signed up right now (Thanks Doc Surrat for bringing Foster Lynch back in the fold!... Enjoy that Panthers game!)... We gots new blood too, we got a cat named Phil Washburn (read the blog? ...or friend of a seious playa?) ... Whatever the case, we iz all here.. and no doubt ready to get it on.

We draft this league at 9PM CST on Monday... don't forget to set your clocks back!... and be ready for the draft!

defending shaman


We've been talking keeper league since last year. My count shows 7-8 in favor and 1 firmly against (Kloos). Also, looks like we are split on doing more than one league - so it's a keeper league at Sporstline OR a regular league at Sportsline. With the loud voice from the valley yappin, I'm guessing we'll probably give in the recluse and just do our normal thing at Sportsline. Fine by me, but... we can discuss it... and do a seperate keeper.

So our quandry is this: How many of you want to do a keeper with our regular league? How many of you want to do a second league as a keeper? I've got a league set up to draft at Yahoo at 930 next Friday, 3 November).

There is another option for a second keeper - nba.com. There they have it set uo to add keepers AND it's free. I went ahead and set up a time for next week. If you guys want to do a keeper, we can discuss it here on the blog and on Monday night at THE draft.

Yahoo League: Serious Keeps
Draft Time: 930PM CST, Friday November 3
password: iwillnotquit
Note: This may turn into just a regular 8cat league since I have published it (must apply w/o password). There are 3 Serious Playas there now, so... looks like a regular league... just Yahooed... join in for a second chance to knock me off... LOL!

post your thoughts...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

yes yes y'all

God bless "The 5th Iteration of this Serious Playas league"

This is it fellas, the fifth anniversary of da Playas. If only Bronson Bridges were here to celebrate. He'd punch us in the stomach. How about a moment of silence for the fallen playas... that Dutch guy from season one, Presidio the Genius, B Devils!, that really angry guy from two years ago who loved Eddy Curry.

And you serious playas who've been here from the start;

Dah Cruelist Son of Isaac, Steve "the feeling machine" Isaacson
Shamanic pride "the photographic eye" Shane give me some Moore
Doc Surratt and Devildogs, one love!
Justin "the question mark" Demott bringing the noise from the Northeast
Nicky "the biscuit eatin' Italian Polock" "gravel laying" Kravalino
Miguel "don't call him Antonia" Antonia and the fruit basket nation

You all deserve a one big hug from the man upstairs! Keep it real like a continental breakfast.

I am happy the keeper league fell apart, I was not feeling it. "The 5th Iteration of this Serious Playas league" is the place to be! Get ready, Get set....

The one they call Kloos is bringing it at you like a Prussian grandpa, stand up straight soldier.... 06 06 06 06 06!!!!!!!

Let's go!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

That's a Keeper

shaman's thoughts and ramblings on a Serious keeper league...

I like "my" guys like Arenas and Marion and I would love to have them every year (who wouldn't love to have those two?). I think having one to three keepers would add an interesting element to our league. I wouldn't mind having one, two, or maybe even three, but I think we should definitely go no more than three. If we do three or more keepers, I think we might see a dynasty or two built and some owners might lose interest. Each year is new, so I want everyone to start out feeling like they have a chance. Personally, I think two keepers is right on because I don't want to de-value the importance of the draft (this is fantasy hoops and the draft SHOULD be important). I am open to the serious playa winds.

The time is now to POST YOUR THOUGHTS!

A keeper league will open up some other questions as well. How will we keep up with owners and keepers? How will we draft? How will we determine draft order after year one? How will we deal with keepers whose owner doesn't return?

Any more questions you guys can think of?


Serious Playas 0607

Sportsline league as requested...

October 30, 2006. 10PM EST.

If you didn't get an invite, leave your email address here in a comment and I will send you an invite to join.

Ya'll ready for this? We need to discuss keeper league ideas/thoughts now. Check the post below for Keeper League thoughts and PLEASE post yours!