The league is on... Serious Playas 2007: The 5th Iteration... We've got 12 owners signed up right now (Thanks Doc Surrat for bringing Foster Lynch back in the fold!... Enjoy that Panthers game!)... We gots new blood too, we got a cat named Phil Washburn (read the blog? ...or friend of a seious playa?) ... Whatever the case, we iz all here.. and no doubt ready to get it on.
We draft this league at 9PM CST on Monday... don't forget to set your clocks back!... and be ready for the draft!
defending shaman
We've been talking keeper league since last year. My count shows 7-8 in favor and 1 firmly against (Kloos). Also, looks like we are split on doing more than one league - so it's a keeper league at Sporstline OR a regular league at Sportsline. With the loud voice from the valley yappin, I'm guessing we'll probably give in the recluse and just do our normal thing at Sportsline. Fine by me, but... we can discuss it... and do a seperate keeper.
So our quandry is this: How many of you want to do a keeper with our regular league? How many of you want to do a second league as a keeper? I've got a league set up to draft at Yahoo at 930 next Friday, 3 November).
There is another option for a second keeper - nba.com. There they have it set uo to add keepers AND it's free. I went ahead and set up a time for next week. If you guys want to do a keeper, we can discuss it here on the blog and on Monday night at THE draft.
Yahoo League: Serious Keeps
Draft Time: 930PM CST, Friday November 3
password: iwillnotquit
Note: This may turn into just a regular 8cat league since I have published it (must apply w/o password). There are 3 Serious Playas there now, so... looks like a regular league... just Yahooed... join in for a second chance to knock me off... LOL!
post your thoughts...
Is it for real that we have CANTBEETTHEHEAT back in the fold? Am I to believe this? Or do we have a "phantom" team in our midst? These are questions of mine.
I loves the Concord. viva la Lynch!
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